The Faith and Covenant of St. Peter

The people of St. Peter UCC profess our faith in God, who is the Creator, revealed in Christ the Savior and ever present through the Holy Spirit.

Here at St. Peter United Church of Christ

Worship at St. Peter is focused on praising God and listening for the voice of God speaking through the elements of the service.  A humble mind and a heart open to God are far more important to one's experience of worship than how one dresses, how well one sings, or how well one knows which words to say when.  The flow of our worship service moves from gathering, to praise, to scripture, to sending out:

God who calls us together:  After a meditative offering from our organist, we are called into a spirit of worship.  We lift up our voices in a hymm of praise for God's goodness and generosity. A prayer is then offered, acknowledging God's call to us and our need for God.

God asks for our hearts:  we then listen for the voice of God to speak through us through scripture and sermon.  Trusting in God's grace and care, we respond by lifting up prayers for the church, the world and all who are in need.  The prayers conclude with the Lord's Prayer.  We recite a version that uses "debts" and "debtors," but we trust that the prayer is acceptable to God regardless of which version a person says.

God sends us forth to embody love for both God and neighbor:  We are called to an active faith.  So, we receive a voluntary offering for the support of the church's work and for special outreach projects.  On the first Sunday of each month and significant occassions like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Easter and Pentecost we celebrate Holy Communion, which strengthens us with grace and empowers us to love.  At St. Peter, we practice an open table,  welcoming all who believe in Christ and all who seek God's grace.  Christ is the host of this sacred meal and he welcomes whosoever may come.  Our services always close with the singing of "God Be With you Till We Meet Again," asking God's blessing upon each of us as we go out to be the people of God in the world through works of love and deeds of compassion.


