St. Peter UCC is organized to encourage all of its members and constituents to be actively engaged in the ministries and programs of the church. We want all to both receive and share the blessings of being active members in our church.

There are many ways to share your time and talent in the life and work of St. Peter UCC. Volunteering on an Outreach Project or Ministry Team are just some of the ways you can get involved.



· The Leadership Team is the executive body of the congregation and is responsible for setting the Vision and Mission of the congregation. Members are identified by the team and voted in by the congregation

Building and Grounds

· The Building and Grounds Team focuses on all aspects of the real property of the church, including repairs and maintenance to the church building, parsonage, and grounds. Help is always needed to mow the grass and maintain and weed the gardens.

Cemetery Team

· The Cemetery is responsible for the maintenance of the cemetery, including managing the funds and bringing issues to the attention of the Leadership team. An annual cleanup day is held to spruce up and repair the cemetery.

Education and Spiritual Formation

· The purpose of the Education and Spiritual Formation Team is to educate and nurture our children, youth, and adults in the areas of faith formation, spiritual development, biblical literacy,

global awareness, a lifestyle of serving others, and the desire to work for peace around the world, by offering opportunities including but not limited to Sunday School and Confirmation classes, Youth Fellowship activities, Retreats, Book Clubs, Bible Studies, Vacation Bible School, Nursery Care, and Summer Camp.

Fellowship and Hospitality

· The purpose of the Fellowship and Hospitality Team is to identify opportunities for fellowship and to plan for ways for the congregation to mingle and get to know each other as a church family.

Men’s Fellowships

· Men’s Fellowship is made up of all the men of St. Peter UCC. The team is involved in most events, and helps especially when needed to physically set-up or move items.

Mission and Outreach

· The purpose of the Mission and Outreach Team is to prepare the congregation to educate the greater community about the value of a Christian life, and to provide opportunities for them to do so. This team includes the Hunger Meal Action Team, the Mutual Ministry Action Team, and others – the Recruitment Action Team, etc. As much as possible, this Team works with other UCC churches in the consortium, and even occasionally with other area places of worship.

Women’s Fellowship

· Women’s Fellowship provides an opportunity for the women of the church to meet in Christian fellowship and deepen their spiritual life. The Team develops programs and mission projects to better the church and the greater community.

Worship and Music

· The Worship Team creates a well-coordinated worship environment to enhance the worship experience of church-goers as they grow closer to God. New members are always welcome to sing in the choir and serve as Worship Leader.